Friday, April 26, 2013

Saxapahaw and Other Things

Happy almost end of April! Winter is over and taxes are done! Radishes and peas are coming out of the garden! This is when I say Happy New Year

Value Added Material

I always laugh at these kids on Twitter talking about :"Value Added Material" "Content creation" and "Personas"....  Really - seriously - personas!!! Internet movers and shakers have CONFERENCES about how to create fake identities so they can get on INTERNET sites and be the "Disgruntled customer that has been reformed." It makes me realize no one should trust anything they read online without triple checking it!! The posers post like they were really mad at a company for some reason and  the company fixed everything and was super good to them. Now they are 150% all for this company. THEY WORK FOR THAT COMPANY. They create fake Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts to support this fakeness. The people that are really good at this are revered in Twitter-land. It is mind-boggling. It is so pathetic. Where are where are we going to? 

I don't have any fake personas. One persona this big is about all any of us can stand!!! LOL!! But here is my Value Added Material! Kids like to color while they listen to a story. There is also a kid-friendly recipe. Oh yea! I am an Internet mover and shaker!! HA!! These activity sheets are just like me - very corny!! :-) 

Corn Daze Activity Sheet

Corn Daze Coloring Page

And here (FANFARE!!!) is the one of my "corny stories!" to listen to as the kids color! A story my dad told about planting corn!  

Have you been to Saxapahaw

The story was recorded live at the Haw River Ballroom in Saxapahaw, NC. If you live in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill or Greensboro area you owe it to yourself to take a ride out to Sax. 

There is a farmers market and outdoor music every Saturday evening. The Paperhand Puppet Intervention studio is next door. They create GIANT puppets. There are frequent parades and festivals with all manner of creativity busting out all over. They are having a "Tree Huggers Ball" Saturday April 27 at 7PM. 

The cotton mill was converted a few years ago into shops, apartments, restaurants and a music venue. 

In the old cotton mill there is a great restaurant called The Eddy Pub on the third level above the lovely Haw River. Sunsets are stunning. The menu is what can they find fresh that was grown preferably less than 10 miles from there. Picked this morning fresh. Yum. 

A sweet little coffee shop is on level 2 called Cup 22. I get out there once a month or so and the barista remembers me from one visit to the next. "Cappuccino with an extra shot?" Yes ma'am - that is me. She also remembers I love (love) carrot cake. She either offers it or apologizes if they are out. I have never tasted anything bad there - that is a true country compliment by the way - but the carrot cake is awesome good!! 

Biggest and best of all is the music venue on Level 1. OH MY. The Haw River Ballroom has the best acoustics and sound system these ears have ever heard. And the tickets are incredibly affordable! I went to see Gillian Welch last year for $24!! Ricky Scaggs will be there June 21st - $25. Those prices are unheard of!!! One of the funnest nights ever is the NC Revelers BIG BAND DANCE - put on your frilly clothes and ear bobs and head on out!! 

A request

If you haven't yet please go to my Facebook page and click on LIKE. Businesses and festivals hiring me check this page to to see how many FANs I have. I know!! It's just Facebook - but as Richard the Third said, If you only have falling down left - how you fall is important. All I have to prove I can tell a story is how FASCINATING I am on the phone and how many people LIKE me on Facebook. We all know - I am fascinating on the phone - but your LIKES on Facebook are what REALLY COUNT. Here's the link: THANK YOU!!! 


Stay tuned for more activity sheets! Strawberry Dreams and Tomato-Rama to come very soon! 

May Calendar will be coming out the first of next week also!! 

I'll be at the Chatham County's PTA Thrift Shop's 30 Birthday Party on Saturday, April 27! In Pittsboro from 10am-12pm and Siler City 1-2pm. 

Goodbye for now! 

I leave you with two pictures of the view from The Eddy Pub in Saxapahaw! The first is mine - taken in January at sunset!! 

And here is a professional photographers take on it. I love the Haw River!

Happy river dreams! 

Thank you. Love, c. 

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